Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Not Your Average Angel

             "Treat others the way you would want to be treated" is a line that most people often take for granted. Do you really treat people the way you want tot be treated? Do you respect others? In the story "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" no one respects him.

             It all starts when this couple is walking down the road and they notice and angle sitting on the ground, but this is not your average angel. People treat this angle like dirt. The story describes him with " huge buzzard wings, dirty and half plucked were forever entangled in the mud." that's not how any angel should be treated.

             Not only did the people of the town neglect him. They took it to the point to where they out him in a cage and then charged an admission to come see him. That is inhumane. You should not be able to trap another person in a cage like an animal. If someone did that to me I wold not be that happiest person in the world.

             One of my pet peeves is when people get mad when a person disrespects them while they have been disrespecting people their whole lives. In America, people are so used to being disrespectful that they don't even realize that that person is being disrespectful. The one thing that still amazes me today is at the end of the story when the angel fly away. It sent a powerful message.

             It shows that no matter how bad you are treated, to never stoop down to their level. That is a hard thing do to in today's society. This is a great story to read for people of all ages to teach people about respect. Respect is something that can carry you a long way in life. Just remember, "Treat others the way you would want to be treated".